Hep 7

  1. Metodoxine + silymarin + L – ornithine L – aspartate + Taurine + Folic acid + Biotin & Amino acid tablets.
  2. Metodoxine prevents collagen synthesis and reduces fibrosis.
  3. Silymarin stimulates protein synthesis and increase glutathione production.
  4. .Increases enzyme levels and neurotransmitter activity.

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  1. Metodoxine + silymarin + L – ornithine L – aspartate + Taurine + Folic acid + Biotin & Amino acid tablets.
  2. Metodoxine prevents collagen synthesis and reduces fibrosis.
  3. Silymarin stimulates protein synthesis and increase glutathione production.
  4. .Increases enzyme levels and neurotransmitter activity.


Alcoholic liver disease

Nash & Nafld (Steato hepatitis)

Viral Hepatitis


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